Gods of the Dead
by Shawn Toshikian and Michael Huang
Osiris was the heir apparent to the Kingdom of Egypt until he was murdered! Three thousand years later he has awakened as an abomination cursed with unholy life.
A God of the Dead.
Now among the living, Osiris wants nothing more than to return to the peaceful chorus of the void. Unfortunately, vengeance waits for no one.
Not even a God.
5 Issue Mini-Series
Mister Borrows
By Shawn Toshikian, Dana Gier, Shaun O’Neil, and Michael Huang
Tired of the same old body. Ever wonder what it would be like to be someone new? To live and fuck as someone else. Well, today is your lucky day. For a reasonable sum of one million dollars you can be the sexiest son of a bitch around. You can be…
Nathan Borrows
And experience the most unique ride of your life! We guarantee it!
3 Issue Mini-Series
Smart Bomb
By Shawn Toshikian, Greg Arayam, Jeff Wamester, and Michael Huang
We live in a world with giant monsters – Kaiju; which appear at any time, any where, and no one knows why. To deal with this unusual crisis law enforcement has established the Special Assault Team (SAT). Fortunately, SAT has a magic bullet. Something or more appropriately someone call Smart Bomb.
“Smarty” is a three meter tall, two ton, walking bomb who has chosen to be more than an exclamation point to a problem.
4 Issue Mini-Series
Stand Alone Comics
By Various Creators
An Inter-Dimensional Ship, Holograms, a Giant Dog, a Savage, a Squid-Bot, a Rock N Roll King, a Fungus Biker, a Beeping Robot, a Bodiless Head and his Undead Soldiers, a Mystical Salamander, a Chibi-PSA-Robot, a Dirty Old Unicorn, a Prophetic Flute, a Not So Terrible Boy, a Telepathic Cat and her Amazing Teens, a Ghost Slurper, a Giant Space Robot, a Spaceship Fort, a Fairy Tale Dinner Theatre Troupe, Hogman and Squealer, the Weenie Boy are just a few of my favorite things in this anthology series.
Trade Paperback
Ashcan Comic Books
Each ashcan is hand-made (printed, stapled, folded, & cut by us) and signed/numbered by the creator.
LITTLE WITCH FUREA – by Michael Huang Jr. This 16-page ashcan features the potion-filled tales of the Little Witch Furea, who twists wishes into curses!
LILYGOON – by Nick Bertonazzi Jr. This 16-page ashcan features the story of a young Prince Frode’s quest to save the amphibian kingdom of Lilygoon from a devasting plague.

Nick Bertonazzi Jr.'s On-Line Comics
BUMBLEBOG – Vegetables with power-ups! Welcome to Bumblebog Farms! Join the Bumblebog family as they grow, sell, and deliver magical produce to all corners of the globe. Farm and family is what it’s all about!
BOOKA BANDITS – Faelore’s magic comes from the existence of Booka, which is extracted from the world. Join Gilvius and Donana, the booka bandits, on an epic journey full of monsters, mayhem, and mishaps.

Wackadoodle Storytime
with Nick & Shawn
Funny and odd stories about our “wackadoodle” lives brought to life through the magic of animation! You will find no fairy tales or looney tunes here. No super-heroes or villains. Just two idiotic friends telling real life stories that crack each other up.
Definition of Wackadoodle – someone or something as eccentric, wrongheaded, bizarre, fanatical, or foolish, generally in an amusing way and with a mildly dismissive tone.

Black Light Cuties
Designs by Nick Bertonazzi Jr. & Shawn Toshikian
Black Light Cuties where cute meets crude!
Monsters and myths with a pinch of 70’s retro, a scoop of chibi, and a splattering of neon colors!